Facebook: 3 more punches to worry Youtube


YouTube and Facebook have given us a lot to talk about in the last couple of months. The two social networks are battling it out to become the number one source of video provider. Facebook has landed several punches, from autoplay and continuous autoplay videos, new video structure on pages, to floating videos, Mark Zuckerberg still seems to have a lot up his sleeve.

In all fairness, all Facebook team’s efforts paid off. Over the last year views have skyrocketed to over 4 billion per day. At the pace and innovation they’re going, we won’t be surprised if they surpass YouTube. Here are the 3 new additions being tested for their video services.

The Youtube Warning

If you paste a Youtube link onto your page, you start getting a warning below encouraging you to upload the video natively and not through Youtube. The warning states that native videos get more views and impressions and users will be able to track their performance on the Insights tab.

Facebook vs Youtube

The Secret Videos

Similar to YouTube’s “unlisted” feature, Facebook admins can now upload “secret” videos that can only be accessed through a direct URL. This is useful for videos that you want to share privately or even embed on a website without having it show on users’ newsfeed.

Facebook vs Youtube

The Video Library

The other new feature to be introduced is the video library that allows users to organize and update their content easily all in one place. Just like the post library which allows users to edit and track, the same will be introduced specifically for videos.

Facebook vs Youtube

Facebook and Youtube’s battle is far from over. We’ll keep you posted on the latest changes and punches being thrown out from either source.  Do you have a beautiful video to make good use of those new features? If not, contact us today and let’s put you on the right track.