visual representing the success of e-commerce through explainer videos

e-commerce videos: a success story

Nowadays, most of the web users shop online, it’s more convenient considering their lifestyle. And when you think about it, why wouldn’t they? There’s a huge range of products, and home delivery is always convenient. Since consumers can easily compare prices, it’s all heaven them, but for online retailers, you need a competitive advantage, and that would be e-commerce videos, i.e explainer videos for online shopping.

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visual of a hand on a keyboard typing

Blogging challenges revealed

Blogging. What a small word for such a big responsibility of adding new and fresh materials to your site. We all know that blogging comes with so many obstacles both in the research and written phase, but can you imagine how specific our blog has to be, considering that we purely work on explainer videos? Now that’s a tough one, but always fun, so we’re here to share the 2 main challenges of blogging about explainer videos

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a visual showing a landing page with explainer video

3 companies with the best landing page explainer videos!

We hate to break it to you, but there are so many landing pages that are better than yours. Why? Because they have explainer videos. Landing page videos are perfect to showcase your brand in a concise, entertaining and informative way. We’re not pouring salt into your wound, but here are 3 companies with the best landing page explainer videos for your inspiration.

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How to make a sales video

Hailed as the father of advertising, David Ogilvy was clear about his stance on the world of advertising and marketing: “If it doesn’t sell, it isn’t creative.” The same concept applies to explainer videos.  You can admire the graphics, compliment the voice over, but at the end of the day, if it doesn’t generate sales, it is useless. How to make a sales video? The answer is in our latest blog post.

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Content Marketing: Then and Now

Once upon a time, there was a man in a cave, carving signs on a wall, and sending signals to the neighbouring cave, through fire or primitive chants. Believe it or not, those were the first signs of content marketing for the purpose of creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent information to initiate audience action, or in this case, getting a proper wife, defining a territory, or hunting for dinner.

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2016 Video Marketing Trends

As the new year unfolds, some things are better left in 2015, and others we couldn’t let go of: from clothing trends that finally fit our personalities, to business moves you might have regretted, or a successful marketing strategy that started with the one and only: videos, a tool we are certainly keeping in 2016. If we were asked about the ultimate 2016 prediction? We would answer: Videos, the future of content marketing. So what are the 2016 video marketing trends you should be expecting? Let’s start the new year with some interesting predictions.

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