Sound Effect: How important is audio in video?

sound effect

Imagine watching the 8 o’clock news and hearing the sound of the AC in the background or people chit-chatting, even worse the quality of the reporter’s sound not being as clear and obvious as it should be. Will the message get through? In explainer videos, sound effect and audio are even more important and we’ll discuss why in this article.

So why is sound effect important in our line of business?

Makes the story more realistic

When we’re talking animation, making the video as believable and realistic as possible is on our top priority. To bring the video into this real state, we put just as effort on the sound as we would on the video. Imagine having a character turn on his car engine and the sound not giving it justice.

Gets the message through

One of the biggest challenges we face when crafting a video for a client is how to get the message through to the target audience. Excellent quality visual is just half the road, backing it up with brilliant sound effect and audio is the icing on the cake. With both sound effect and graphics we get the brand’s message through to the viewers.

Connects with the viewers

You can watch an awesome video in mute and you’ll be amazed by the graphics and quality of animation, but take it from the experts, you won’t get influenced by the video nor will you get connected to the characters or the brand/business.


Sound Effect

Sound effect, voice over and speech are what make a video effective and successful. Here at wezank, we put as much effort on the sound as we do on the visuals and because of that, our videos are the most successful. Contact us today and let’s add the “BOOM!” to your video.