Animated Videos: 3 types of businesses who need it today

animated videos

So, as you probably know by now, we create amazing animated videos for all types of businesses whether in the form of stories or features. In this blog post we’ll answer a popular question we often receive from companies: Do we need animated videos?

Let’s look deeper into this topic and break it down to 3 types of businesses that absolutely need animated videos:

The Start-ups

If you’ve just launched a business, you probably got familiar with how difficult it is to compete with the big boys. No matter how good your product is or how magnificent your story, getting enough people to hear about it is like shouting “I’M HERE” in the middle of Times Square during rush hour. You’re surrounded by locals and millions of others trying to stand out and, quite frankly, few have the time or interest to hear what you have to stay. That’s where animated videos come in handy as they help you stand out and grab people’s attention and curiosity in a short period of time. Here’s the video we created for Procurics:

The Innovators

As well known and established as your business might be, a complicated story or product is always difficult to explain. People’s attention spam has narrowed down and time has never been of an essence as it is today. Few have the courtesy of trying out stuff to figure out how they work. Here, animated videos recognize the busy lives we live in by explaining a complicated idea through fun and short explanation techniques. Below is the app preview we crafted forĀ bidzeed:

The Digitally Oriented

Any business trying to make it in the online world knows how crucial it has become to work with videos. Whether it’s to be shared on Social Media, embedded on a website or simply connected to the World Wide Web, videos have been proven to increase reach, engagement and rankings on search engine results. Only those who are well informed of the online world truly understand the importance of animated videos as forms of digital marketing. You can check our video for Teach Me Now below:


Animated Videos For Businesses

Here you have it, the 3 main businesses who need animated videos as forms of marketinf. Is your business one of them? If so, contact us today for free consultation.