Why wezank? And why animated explainer videos?

Why animated explainer videos, you might ask. The answer is simple: we are visual creatures!

I can give you all the stats you need to support my theory. In fact, nowadays, videos account for more than fifty percent of internet traffic. Not a coincidence.

Animated explainer videos have become the number one tool to increase sales and conversion rates. Video landing pages with animated explainer videos generate up to seven times higher engagement and response rate than classic text landing pages with only graphics. That’s how the guys at Dropbox managed to widely increase the conversion rate after adding an animated explainer video to their homepage.

wezank is a two years old project, but Maya and I never really gave it the time it needed to be launched. Sure, we have been creating animated explainer videos since forever, but now is finally the time to launch wezank.

Paola Kiwan, talented animator, joined our team about two months ago, and we decided to finally launch wezank in April 2013.

Our mission at wezank is simply to help you share your ideas or explain your products with a simple and fun video or infographic.

So you have an amazing idea or product that will flip the status-quo and you want it to spread like a virus? What are you waiting for? Fill out this form and let’s change the world!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggMyty4ybAs]