How to be more productive at work: 4 steps

Productivity is a tricky little thing. How often have you found yourself sitting at your office desk, swamped with a never-ending to do list and an “I can’t do this” attitude? Rest assured, this has happened to the best of us. In this article, we’ll go through 4 simple steps to help you solve this dilemma.

How to be more productive at work:

Take a break

You don’t need a cigarette, nor a Kit-Kat for that matter, to take a break. We’ve all fallen victim of mental blockage. The harder we try to come up with a decent idea or solution, the more we fail. Trust us, we know how frustrating this is; we’re in the creative field. Don’t worry though, all you need is a 10 minute break: chat with a colleague, eat a snack or just take a walk. The trick on how to be more productive at work is to clear your head from anything that’s work related. You’ll be amazed at how much the ideas will start flowing.

How to be more productive at work

Paola and Tania having a 1 on 1 talk.

Create milestones

“Too many things to do, too little time.” Right? Divide your to-do list into milestones and checkpoints. Aim to complete the nearest objective without even thinking about the rest that follow. Poco a poco, you’ll find out how easy it is to complete your requirements one by one rather than doing them all together. Avoid the big mistake of starting with the easiest task. Organize them from most important to least important and dig in.

Spice up your office space

Make your office feel less like an office and more like a comfort zone. Hang posters on the walls, add toys and books to your desk, put on some music if that works for you. The search engine giants, Google, know a thing or two about this step. Here’s a tour of their office space in New York:


As long as you feel like you’re in a safe environment, you are in the right place. It’s fascinating how much a poster or song lyrics can inspire and stimulate your next idea.

How to be more productive at work

wezank’s office desks

Enjoy it

All the above steps will be meaningless if you don’t cover this one. Do what makes you happy. Your “work” shouldn’t be work, rather a pleasure or a hobby. Once you love what you do, you’ll finish your to-do list in no time and, dare I say it, you’ll even ask for more tasks.

How to be more productive at work

Denise doing what she does best


Those were 4 simple steps on how to be more productive at work. Here at wezank, we strive to get the best out of our team. Curious to know how well we can create an awesome explainer video for your business? Contact us today for free consultation.