Ask anyone on our team what their dream job is, and they’ll answer: “making videos at wezank.”
This is who we are.
We get to know you. Hear your story or idea. Analyze it. Turn it into a beautiful video. We love it and want to do this everyday for the rest of our lives.
Through our work we’ve been part of so many innovative, inspiring, illuminating projects. We’ve gained so much experience and insight into how businesses and ideas work, and can’t wait to apply our know-how with you.
wezank in numbers

years of experience
and counting!

videos produced
and counting!

seconds of original content
and counting!
Our videos are crafted with love by our small and vibrant team
Toni is the co-founder of wezank. He likes eating chocolate and drinking helium from balloons. His favorite pastime at the office is shredding top secret papers.
When she’s not wired into her laptop, Maya is just enjoying the job of her dreams. She’s the co-founder of wezank and is passionate about all things animation.
You can instantly recognize her by the hundreds of miniature items on her desk. Paola is in charge of creating the beautiful visuals and animations at wezank.
Stephanie is full of energy, smiles and talent. She is in charge of turning scripts into beautiful visuals, from storyboard to animation.
Pascale is our talented scriptwriter. She’s extremely good with words, and makes sure your videos have a very strong script as a basis. She’s the calmest of the wezankers!
Abdo is probably the only number-friendly person on the team. That’s why he’s in charge of saving our life when it comes to finances, taxes and such things at the office.
To put it simply, Fayez is the coolest lawyer! He has the superpower to answer any question about any legal topic instantly.