![Video Marketing SEO For Explainer videos](https://wezank.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/video-marketing-SEO-1014x487.png)
Video Marketing SEO: YouTube, Blogs, and Social Media
Every maker of a video needs to know a thing or two about video marketing SEO. It could be as simple as a chubby kid doing a light saber dance, or the now infamous Harlem Shake, but it’s an undeniable fact that some videos go viral while others remain largely unwatched.
In a guest post for ReelSEO.com, Mike Skogmo writes: “[a]ny serious content creator understands that…optimized metadata, attractive thumbnails, pop culture tie-ins, controversial subject matter, and…support from influencers, can make a piece of content a good candidate for virality.”
To market your video effectively in terms of SEO, try posting it on YouTube and getting other YouTube Channels to “Like” your video. Do what you can to interest other Channels’ viewers into adding it to their feeds so that you expand your marketing base. Make sure the content you have in your video is relevant to the content these other Channels are producing, and your video is likely to get picked up as it piques viewer interest.
Also, think about what kind of blog might be interested in posting your video. Blogs also fight for SEO popularity, so having your video on a well-marketed, highly-ranked blog devoted to similar material is an excellent way to market your video. It doesn’t have to be picked up by Slate or the New York Times to go viral–but know your target niche and who your intended viewers are, because those are the ones who will be interested in watching the clip.
Of course, make sure your video is on YouTube or Vimeo, or both. The 2013 Online Video Marketing Survey and Business Video Trends Report statistics found that 94% of Marketers use YouTube as a video distribution service. Vimeo ranked second with 51.1% of marketers using it to share content.
YouTube is extremely important to video marketing SEO. Why? Because it is, perhaps not so surprisingly, the world’s second largest search engine as of 2013. When someone wants to find a video, it has become almost a reflex to search for it on YouTube and if yours is not there you will be missing out.
And, social media accounts for views, too, although it is not the Holy Grail of video marketing SEO. But, once a video has gone viral, it is almost guaranteed these days to be shared frequently on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and Pinterest. Note that on social media sites, having responsive design for mobile devices that allows for viewers to access videos on their devices is important in getting their views.
Now that you know more about video marketing SEO, contact wezank for a free consultation today to get a video that will get awesome results for your business.
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