5 Things That Can Drive Animators Crazy
Animators live in a world of their own and have a special mind that sees everything creatively. Lucky them! They are immersed in the creative world which always leaves them with unexpected results but also with so many weird conversations and random things people say to them on a daily basis. The list can go on and on, but we picked up 5 major things only animators can relate to and that drives them crazy.
This must have taken you what; 10 minutes to do?
Animation is not the easiest job out there as it comes with a lot of new challenges in every project, and it’s probably what makes it so captivating to begin with. Just like many complicated majors, animators go to school to learn complicated drawing techniques, styles, animation and how movement, the body, and how physics work. It takes a lot of hard work and time to perfect the skill, which means that the end result we all see can look easy to the eye, but what looks like a 10 minute job because of its smoothness actually involves a lot of dedication from the animator who spent hours upon hours paying attention to every detail.
Animators’ worst nightmare: “Can you draw me?”
Drawing is always something that has been closely related to animation, and the majority of animators probably heard this response a couple of times when they tell someone they’re an animator. Their reaction is usually something along these lines: “Wow, so you must be really good at drawing cartoons, but can you draw me?”
I’m going to learn animation this weekend
Well, good luck with that. The only thing that beginners can accomplish in a weekend is a couple of seconds of a very simple ball bounce, or maybe binge watch Disney movies. This goes hand in hand with the first idea, assuming that anyone can learn animation overnight. In fact, imagine that for a 3 minute animation that goes by very quickly for viewers, a team of animators work on it day and night; even 10 seconds can be quite impressive, and that’s just the animation, without the process that comes next or even beforehand.
Make it fast, it doesn’t have to be perfect
Actually, its does. Animators really take pride in their work. They not only work hard for the client’s satisfaction but also their own. When the clients rush the work, they always end up having more remarks and corrections that could have been avoided had they been more patient.
We know it’s last minute but…
Good things take time, point blank period, and we all know that’s it’s never “one last modification” if it’s last minute. Even after setting deadlines and establishing expectations that work for everyone, this situation is very common which is why anticipating those predictable last minute changes is always a good idea.
Needless to say, we are very proud of our animation team! They are doing a great job every day and killing the game. If you’re an animator, what’s the worst thing that anyone has ever said to you regarding your job? Let us know!