2016 trends in the voice over industry
It’s the middle of 2016 and voice over experts have already predicted trends in the industry. And given the nature of our work, we also noticed some significant changes happening, so we thought it would be best that you stay informed.
High demand
According to Forbes, Google is finally incorporating video ads into its search results, so it’s no longer restricted to YouTube. This means brands can use a more engaging format that is better targeted via use of keywords. Which automatically means that the demand will be higher for online video voice overs
Single ‘brand’ voice
Nowadays, businesses need a voice for their brand that isn’t authoritative; their brand needs to be approachable, a brand that audiences can identify to. This means the selection process is narrowed down and filtered to be consistent with the brand.
Home studios
Voice actors with home studios continue to be in high demand, more than ever before because they can offer a high quality, a fast turn-around and at a lower cost than you may pay to an agency or studio. wezank is the perfect example, whereby producing multiple languages at the same time is much less time consuming.
Multilingual videos
In any given language you’ll be interacting with people at different stages of the buying process, which makes it a huge selling point. The more you target these users with explainer style voice-overs scripted the more you’ll encourage them further along the buying process.
Now that you’re caught up, rest assure that we will pick the right voice over for the best explainer video. In the end, it’s what we do best!