Moving Animation: the storyboard

Moving animation can be defined as the illusion of motion from still images. It’s quite extraordinary if you think about it. You draw static images and turn them into a video. Walt Disney developed the animation movement in the 1940s, but that’s a story for another time. In this article we’ll talk about the essential storyboard created before any animated video.

Moving animation

If you think digital animation is all computerized which eliminates the use of the pencil, think again. Before reaching the digital forum and process, a story must be composed with no other than our old pals: pen and paper. That’s where the ideas start flowing and the story gets linked and formulated together. If anything, moving animation is nothing without the power of putting pen to paper.

Here’s one of the many drafts storyboards we create everyday before development:

Moving Animation

Here’s one after development:

Moving Animation

The storyboard is crucial in giving the whole animation team an understanding of the sketches. It allows us to figure out the sequence of the actions and development of the characters. Each scene is thoroughly analyzed and studied. This helps us in developing the background, movement of the camera, length of every scene, sound requirements to be used and the duration of the whole story.

Moving animation is what brings us together as a team. We give our best to produce the best video possible. Do you have a complex idea that needs to be simplified into a storyboard? Contact us today for free consultation.