Facebook Videos: 5 tips to get more engagement

Facebook videos

With a Facebook organic reach less than 1%, reaching out to fans and potential leads as never been a bigger challenge. However, Facebook’s autoplay videos get more organic reach in the newsfeed and are more eye-catching than regular posts. But how to make the best out of Facebook videos? In this article, we’ll go through 5 ways to use Facebook video and increase reach and engagement.

1. Educate

An effective use of Facebook videos is giving away tips and tricks that your audience would be interested in watching about. Here at wezank, we give away fun tips and lessons that do very well in engagement and reach.

Facebook Videos

2. Entertain

While some use Facebook to learn new stuff, others use it purely for entertainment. With that in mind, using Facebook videos is the best tool for entertainment. At wezank, we try to leverage any entertaining event, news  or holiday.

Facebook videos

3. Add a Featured Video

Featured Facebook videos were introduced not so long ago to help pages highlight a video that will be included in the “About” section. It’s an alternative to text to brief your audience about your brand/services.

Facebook Videos

4. Create a Playlist

Organize your videos neatly and divide them into specific sections and categories. The more organized, the more inviting they are to be watched.

Facebook Videos

5. Add the “Watch Video” Call-to-Action

The cal-to-action button found at the bottom of the cover photo grabs visitors’ attention and pushes them to watch your videos, whether on Facebook or on another site.

Facebook Videos

Facebook Videos

Facebook is working a lot on its video features and is competing with the big boys in the field, Youtube in particular. Make the best out of them with these 5 tips. In case you don’t have a video yet, let’s talk.