The Voice: wezank edition

As much as physical appearance matters in Hollywood, the power of the human voice is legendary. If you are listening closely, you’ll find that the voices we gravitate toward have usually the same tonality. Can you imagine one of Hollywood’s celebrity as the voice over of your video? That would be so cool. But in the meantime let’s relish the best Hollywood voice overs. Enjoy!

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What’s cookin’?

When we called The Internet  “The Gate“, believe us it was not by mistake. Yes, it connected the world altogether, but it was smart enough to hit one of our most important needs: food; so it was more like the gate to our tummies if you think about it. People are always on the go, but always have time to eat, it’s our guilty pleasure. The Internet had an unquenchable appetite for food as well, which explains the rise of several food channels like Tasty and Proper Tasty by BuzzFeed, and many more.

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Content Marketing: Then and Now

Once upon a time, there was a man in a cave, carving signs on a wall, and sending signals to the neighbouring cave, through fire or primitive chants. Believe it or not, those were the first signs of content marketing for the purpose of creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent information to initiate audience action, or in this case, getting a proper wife, defining a territory, or hunting for dinner.

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Battle of the Brands: Video takes all

CocaCola, Dropbox, RedBull … sounds familiar? All these names became one of the most influential brands in the world. We don’t mean to brag, but we are firm believers that videos had a little something to do with their fame and success. For many it wasn’t just any type of video, it was an explainer video to be precise. Take a minute and look at some of the brands that incorporated videos into their campaigns, which guaranteed their win in the battle of the bands.

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10 things you didn’t know about Walt Disney

As an animator and entrepreneur, Walt Disney was known as one of the greatest filmmakers and showmen in history. His name shines in the world of animation and theme park design. Walt Disney once said that: “When you’re curious, you find lots of interesting things to do”. So we thought that it would be a good idea to follow his advice, and discover 10 things we probably didn’t know about him.
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Youtube Red: the new subscription service

Youtube Red

A couple of months ago, we talked about a new Youtube feature that allows users to pay a monthly subscription fee to remove all ads. Although it was still in the talks at the time, it finally came to life and Youtube recently announced its new baby “Youtube Red”. In this article we’ll dig deeper into the new video service and the improved features that come with it.

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4-day workweek: 4 reasons we have it

4-day workweekTGIT isn’t a very common expression. Here at wezank, however, it’s been a very popular term for the past 2 years. For those of you who don’t know, our team works 4 days a week (Monday to Thursday) starting at 10:00 a.m. Not your typical workweek we know!

In this article, we decided to talk more about the benefits of a 4-day workweek and why we believe it’s the right way to go.

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