Battle of the Brands: Video takes all

CocaCola, Dropbox, RedBull … sounds familiar? All these names became one of the most influential brands in the world. We don’t mean to brag, but we are firm believers that videos had a little something to do with their fame and success. For many it wasn’t just any type of video, it was an explainer video to be precise. Take a minute and look at some of the brands that incorporated videos into their campaigns, which guaranteed their win in the battle of the bands.

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Explainer videos: cost vs. value

We would like to think that with every blog post we share, you are a step closer to the world of explainer videos. Let’s face it, we all know that picking a new marketing tool is never easy; there are a lot of factors to consider, particularly the cost. But what if we told you that videos pay for themselves? Yes, you heard right. Which is why the question you should be asking is how much value can an explainer video add to my company? Rather than how much explainer videos cost? Allow us to show you how videos are an investment; regardless of their cost, you are guaranteed to make returns. Explainer videos: cost vs. value revealed in this article.

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10 things you didn’t know about Walt Disney

As an animator and entrepreneur, Walt Disney was known as one of the greatest filmmakers and showmen in history. His name shines in the world of animation and theme park design. Walt Disney once said that: “When you’re curious, you find lots of interesting things to do”. So we thought that it would be a good idea to follow his advice, and discover 10 things we probably didn’t know about him.
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2015 Video Spotlights

2015 was THE year for videos. They became a huge phenomenon; yet were an untapped channel of content marketing. Given the ever-changing nature of their audiences, many businesses were scared of this tool. They later realized that their consumers were actually using videos for their own personal and entertaining interests of which many became viral. So let’s travel back in time and check the 2015 Video Spotlights. Buckle up!

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Common characteristics between the best explainer videos

Our new year’s prediction was pretty clear last time. Just imagine that by 2017, 69% of all online traffic will consist of video contentWhich means that every business will probably go in this direction starting, now. How to stand out from the crowd? What do we usually focus on when we create your explainer video? Here are some common characteristics between the best explainer videos that will guarantee yours is an eye catcher.

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2016 Video Marketing Trends

As the new year unfolds, some things are better left in 2015, and others we couldn’t let go of: from clothing trends that finally fit our personalities, to business moves you might have regretted, or a successful marketing strategy that started with the one and only: videos, a tool we are certainly keeping in 2016. If we were asked about the ultimate 2016 prediction? We would answer: Videos, the future of content marketing. So what are the 2016 video marketing trends you should be expecting? Let’s start the new year with some interesting predictions.

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4 steps for building your holiday marketing strategy

New Year’s eve is just around the corner, and everyone must be asking you the same question: what is your New Year Resolution?  Is it to travel, get married, or lose weight? And you always seem to pick the typical unreachable goals. But what if we told you that there is one resolution that can be achieved in 4 easy steps? Just imagine the highlight of your year: the success of your business. So here are the 4 steps for building your holiday marketing strategy.

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